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Impact Aid FAQ

  • Impact Aid is a federal program that provides financial resources to schools impacted by federally-owned, tax-exempt properties in the military and other communities. These funds become part of our District's operating budget and are critical to helping us forward academic excellence. The information you provide is confidential and will help us better serve our students.

  • Parent/Guardian Employment Information: Uniformed Service.

  • Parent/Guardian Employment Information: Foreign Military.

  • Parent/Guardian Employment Information: Civilian. 

    Many of our parent/guardians are employed on federal property in the Oak Harbor area. Please list that parent/guardian. Employer Address and Address of federal property are required. Thank you for electronically signing and dating the bottom of the survey form as well. 

    Here is a list of places of employment in the Oak Harbor area that are indeed on federal property:

    Contractor on NASWI (Chugach, L3 Communications, Forest City, etc.)
    Navy Exchange/Commissary
    Child Development Center
    Crescent Harbor Elementary
    Hand-in-Hand Early Learning Center
    Swinomish/Tulalip/Skagit Casino’s
    US Border Patrol

  • On Whidbey Island, most all federal property is owned by Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. You are welcome to write Naval Air Station Whidbey Island or NASWI.

  • Yes. All surveys are kept here in the school district and information is used for categorization purposes only. The Impact Aid Program only requires that we submit numbers of students to the federal government, not information.