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Advanced Learning Overview

Advanced Learning & Highly Capable Program

Oak Harbor Public Schools advanced learning programs identify and serve advanced K-12 learners by providing a consistent, challenging, and supportive educational environment.

K-12 Continuum of Advanced Learning Opportunities

Oak Harbor Public Schools provides a continuum of advanced learning that includes a variety of services and classes. An important part of the continuum is the Highly Capable Program, which serves 13% of our our students. The Highly Capable Program provides services to eligible students in grades K-6 whose potential and/or performance is significant enough to require modifications to their instructional approaches. At the secondary levels, grades 7-12, advanced classes are offered to students looking for a challenge and who demonstrate prerequisite skills. 

In identifying students for the Highly Capable Program serving students in grades 3-6, every effort is made to provide a screening and placement process that considers each referred student carefully and thoughtfully. A selection team uses established criteria that maintain equity and conforms to state guidelines. For middle school classes, grades 7-8, placement tests are one of several measures used to assess readiness for accelerated and honors classes. In high school, students select honors and advanced placement classes based on their interests and goals.


October 1, 2024

K-11 Online Referral Window Opens

All Students in 2nd and 4th Grades are universally screened and considered for Highly Capable Services by completing the Cognitive Abilities Test Screener (CogAt).  Since all 2nd and 4th grade students are screened and considered for Highly Capable Services, a referral is not necessary.  If you do not want your child to be tested or considered for Highly Capable Services, please inform your child’s teacher by October 1, 2024.

October 31, 2024


K-11 Online Referral Window Closes

October – February


Student Testing Window for grades 2-11
February – April

Eligibility Committee Meets


Families are notified of eligibility status

June 6 Permission forms for Highly Capable Services are due for the 25/26 school year
June 6 Deadline for Appeals
June 18 Families are notified on appeal decision


Parent Handbook

Referral Forms


Liz Ritz
Director of Teaching and Learning

Patsy Ramirez
Advanced Learning Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)

Kristen Smith
Teaching & Learning Secretary

Definition – Students who are highly capable

Definition – Learning Characteristics