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Transition to Kindergarten

Transition to Kindergarten (TTK)

A collage of photos showcasing the Transition to Kindergarten program, featuring smiling children, parents, and teachers.

Transition to Kindergarten (TTK) is a full-day kindergarten program for children who are at least 4-years-old by August 31 who are identified through a screening process as needing additional support to be successful in kindergarten. The TTK program is provided at no cost to families, is staffed by certificated educators, and students are fully integrated in their schools with access to meals, transportation, and recess.

Families in the Transition to Kindergarten program will participate in The Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) days just before the first day of school. Participating families should be committed to regular school attendance.

Applications for TTK open on April 1 and close on May 26

The application form will be posted below during the open application period. Applying early is recommended. Families will be notified about their qualification status by the end of June.