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Strategic Plan

Building a Vision Together As #OneOakHarbor

During the 2023-2024 school year the Oak Harbor Public Schools launched a community-wide initiative to build the roadmap to success and vision as #OneOakHarbor.

On June 10, 2024, the Oak Harbor Public Schools Board of Directors adopted the Strategic Plan that was presented by students, staff and administrators. The Strategic Plan drive the district’s vision, goals, initiatives, and strategies to ensure every student has what they need to succeed in Oak Harbor Public Schools.

There were multiple opportunities for students, families, staff, and community members to share their perspectives and provide input to the vision of Oak Harbor Public Schools. The goal is to hear from as many diverse perspectives as possible to ensure the Strategic Plan is grounded in the voices of the #OneOakHarbor community and responsive to the ever-changing needs within our schools and our community.

We want to thank the thousands of students, staff, families and community members who contributed to the journey and final product! 

389  1,165+ 513  5
Staff Voices Student Voices Family Voices Committees
  • Strategic Plan Community Presentation to the School Board
    Strategic Plan Community Presentation to the School Board
  • Instructional Planning Day
    Instructional Planning Day
  • Staff Listening & Learning Sessions
    Staff Listening & Learning Sessions
  • Student Listening & Learning Sessions
    Student Listening & Learning Sessions
  • Community Profile of a Graduation Session
    Community Profile of a Graduation Session

A blue banner with white text that reads 'OUR STRATEGIC PLAN' and 'Empowering Students. Growing Together.' with green acorn and leaf illustrations.

  • Through listening & learning sessions, surveys, and committee work, the following key priorities for Oak Harbor Public Schools were identified by our community.

    • Academic Excellence
    • School Safety
    • Inclusion & Pride in Diversity
    • Alignment as #OneOakHarbor
  • Our process began and ended with student voice with facilitation from The Scholar First team. We hosted Student Voice Sessions in Fall 2023 getting feedback through face-to-face meetings and surveys that helped us center our focus. Students were involved throughout the entire process, as representatives of our Core Planning Team and in focused sessions like creating a Student Vision and Profile of a Graduate. Prior to Board approval, students were able to review the final draft plan and provide their feedback.

    The Core Planning Team consisted of 81 students, family members, staff, and community members who collaborated, listened, and provided unique perspectives to the process. This group met regularly over the course of the year to shape the plan.


  • Based on student focus groups and surveys, the Vision of the Student Experience was create to describe the conditions necessary for students to be successful in Oak Harbor Public Schools. Successful students in Oak Harbor can say:

    I Am Valued And Understood.

    I Take Risks In My Learning And I Am Succeeding Academically.

    Oak Harbor Believes In Me And My Future.

  • Our commitment is to provide a challenging, supportive, and innovative learning environment where all students are empowered to thrive and reach their fullest potential.


    We challenge every learner with student-centered, rigorous, high-quality, engaging learning experiences. We hold each other accountable and have high expectations to achieve academic excellence.


    Relationships are at the heart of teaching and learning. We elevate student voice to ensure every learner feels included, valued, and understood. We honor the unique characteristics, perspectives, and experiences of every learner.


    We value and build community partnerships. We create spaces for authentic involvement and investment so each student thrives. As educators, our practices are data-informed and we relentlessly pursue continous improvement through shared learning. As #OneOakharbor, we are better together.

  • Our graduates can say:


    • Applies Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and a diverse set of skills to enact dynamic problem solving
    • Evaluates, comprehends, and discusses written and multimedia information
    • Exercises critical thinking, effective communication and cognitive flexibility


    • Extends kindness and empathy to those in the local and global communities
    • Demonstrates curiosity, openmindedness, and receptiveness to the ideas and thoughts of others
    • Takes risks and is vulnerable
    • Knows their purpose and passion


    • Develops goals and plans well
    • Applies technical knowledge and skills
    • Communicates effectively (verbal and written)
    • Identifies and solves problems
    • Leads and collaborates within diverse environments and groups


    • Develops a course plan aligned with graduation pathway
    • Sets realistic and achievable goals persistently
    • Nurtures flexibility, adaptability, and collaborative practices in diverse settings
    • Thinks critically and problem solves
    • Demonstrates dependable, reliable, and ethical conduct


  • Each Foundation represents branches of the Strategic Plan with key initiatives District Leadership has outlined as focus areas based on community input. These branches support the Strategic Planning goal areas that were developed by our core and instructional planning committees.


    • Focus on continuous improvement through MultiTiered Systems of Support (MTSS) at all schools
    • Adopt evidence-based, high-quality, relevant curriculum
    • Monitor and expand inclusive practices for all students to increase belonging and meet student needs
    • Provide rigorous learning experiences that empower all students 


    • Maintain and monitor Communication Strategic Plan
    • Expand two-way communication systems
    • Expand and continue engagement and communication with new families
    • Establish consistent, ongoing opportunities for community engagement on important topics
    • Engage in traditional and nontraditional family partnership opportunities 


    • Develop transparent, efficient budget systems and structures
    • Establish a strong community foundation of knowledge about school budgets
    • Engage community in identifying and prioritizing capital outlay through committees and annual community survey
    • Establish and implement longrange facilities master plan through Capital Facilities Advisory Committee work


    • Actively recruit a talented and diverse staff that mirrors student demographics.
    • Implement a Superintendent Student Advisory group
    • Implement student-led belonging teams at each school
    • Establish a safety committee
    • Implement monthly student board reports on progress of culture and belonging.
    • Capture student and family voice in school and district communications 
  • Our goals support the executiion of our strategic plan. Outcomes are regularly evaluated to directly support this ongoing work.


    Every Oak Harbor Student will be empowered to take ownership in their learning and voice to become empathetic, relienent citizens.

    • Outcome 1.1: Attendance – Increase percentage of students to 80% that demonstrate a 90% attendance rate by June 2030.
    • Outcome 1.2: Supportive Relationships – Increase percentage of students who indicate they have supportive relationships with adults at school to 95% by June 2027.
    • Outcome 1.3: Self Management – Increase student perception of self-management to 80% by June 2030.
    • Outcome 1.4: Inclusive Classroom Environment – Increase students’ positive feelings to 80% by June 2028. Increase the time students with IEPs (Individualized Education Plan) spend in a general education classroom setting (LRE) from 65% to 80% by 2028.


    Every child who enteres Oak Harbor elementary schools will be nurtured in a caring and enriching learning environment, ensuring they meet grade-level standards by third grade.

    • Outcome 2.1: Literacy Development – Increase number of first graders who are at or above grade-level standards to 85% in early literacy skills by June 2026.
    • Outcome 2.2: Literacy Proficiency – Increase number of third graders who are at or above grade-level standards to 85% in overall literacy skills by June 2030. 
    • Outcome 2.3: Matt Proficiency & Critical Thinking Skills – Increase number of third graders who are at or above grade-level standards in math to 80% by June 2030. 
    • Outcome 2.4: Developmental Skills – By the end of kindergarten, all students will demonstrate an overall WAKid growth by 15% by June 2026. 


    All students are guaranteed access to rigorous grade-level standards that are tailored to their individual learning needs in a safe and supportive learning environment.

    • Outcome 3.1: Grade Level Standards in Reading – Increase the number of students who are meeting grade-level standards in reading to 85% by June 2026. 
    • Outcome 3.2: Grade Level Standards in Math – Increase the number of students who are meeting grade-level standards in reading to 85% by June 2026. 
    • Outcome 3.3: Future Academic Success – Increase the number of students passing all of their classes with a C or better to 85% by June 2028.


    All Oak Harbor Public Schools students graduate with the skills and knowledge for futgure success in a path of their choosing.

    • Outcome 4.1: Graduation – Increase the percentage of students who met graduation requirements on-time to 100% by June 2030.
    • Outcome 4.2: Dual-Credit Courses – Increase the percentage of students successfully completing dual-credit classes to 90% by June 2028.
    • Outcome 4.3: Freshman Success – Increase the percentage of 9th grade students who earn 7.5 credits during freshman year to 75% by June 2026. 
    • Outcome 4.4: Career Technical Education Pathways – Increase the percentage of students completing a Career Technical Education pathway to 90% by June 2028.