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Teaching & Learning

Teaching & Learning (T&L)

A Focus On Learning

The Teaching and Learning (T&L) Department supports quality instruction and rich learning experiences in a wide variety of ways and functions. T&L provides effective, differentiated, and intensive support to teachers and students to enable children to achieve their highest potential and reach individual goals. 

Community levy investment allows for T&L to review our curriculum, update teaching strategies and replace instructional materials on a predictable, annual cycle. Current textbooks and technology provide our students the best opportunity to compete and achieve in the classroom.

Ongoing Professional Development

T&L supports professional development training opportunities for teachers throughout the year. Teachers are required to be current with and to implement the latest research-based practices and initiatives. These include transitioning to Common Core State Standards and other national and state learning standards, preparing students for the state tests called Smarter Balanced Assessments, and learning how to use the latest technology such as Chromebooks and interactive projectors.  

T&L supports science instruction in elementary and middle schools through stocking, distributing, and purchasing interactive kits that feature hands-on and engaging learning experiences. The district’s Science Center maintains thousands of educational items from fossils to beakers to pill bugs.


T&L administers legal and instructional requirements to assess student learning.  Support is provided to teachers in selecting and implementing classroom-based assessments in social studies, art, and physical fitness; maintaining i-Ready math and reading data; and managing state-mandated tests. Student test scores are one way to measure our department’s effectiveness.

T&L also helps the district be conscientious stewards of our publicly-funded instructional resources through the handling and storage of learning materials, and surplus obsolete textbooks. Inventory control procedures utilize barcoding to track all secondary and most elementary text and library books.

ESSA Federal Grant

General Information


Liz Ritz

Support Staff

Kristen Smith
Department Secretary

Amber Williams
Data/Grants Secretary

Susie Nesmith
Science Center Secretary

Collen Paffie
Science Center Clerk


Nicole Bouvion
Technology Integration TOSA

Emily Couch

Patsy Ramirez
Highly Capable & Math TOSA